Quote Originally Posted by gusto77 View Post
Bump. My big question 2 Mgs adex/ wk long term likely sides or probably none. I know I read possible bone loss and cholesterol issues but I can't find anything about long term low dose use.
the doc's prescribe it for long term use to hrt patients gusto but they are sticklers for lipid panels. 2mg per week isnt going to crush your estro down to deep but the 2 things i would be the most concerned with would be estro raising and failing by only doing it 2x per wk. so it will peak and drop and also the lipid issue. you can most likely combat that with coconut oil fish oil etc..... if i were you as soon as you are done with the dex switch over to aromisin and run it at 12.5mg eod or e3d forever if you want.