Quote Originally Posted by Rake View Post
Carbs while on Tren? Lower or higher Carbs have you found to be best. I am assuming Lower but you now about assumptions. LOL at the hair thing
You are right. As it pertains to reducing some of the sides associated with tren,(excessive sweating in particular) in my experience, lower carb consumption as well as carb intake within the first 1/2-2/3 of the day,can help to curb the excessive sweating. If you are using tren on a cut this won't be an issue for you to do. Keep in mind to monitor your calorie intake as to avoid lethargy. However you can use tren in many different ways. I have used tren many times on a bulk. High tren combined with high test on a high calorie diet has left me changing out pillows in the middle of the night lol! Its just part of it all. This is just some of my experience with the compound.