Quote Originally Posted by OldSchoolLifter View Post
Lol! I find that the 5iu pre along side my workout BCAA carb mixture helps me rebuild as I'm tearing it down, then the the 10iu dose Post further increase my protein synthesis, allowing me to utilize much more protein when I need it. I have tried so many different protocols, this has worked the best for me.

Karbolic Is good stuff, I have used it once because it was free. As for the glycemic index, I would assume judging by the ingredients in it, it is both fast metabolizing and slow. as it has very good mix of slow, medium, and fast acting carbs. It should help you get what you need right away, and sustain your levels for a period of time. When I took it I would test my blood sugar every 30 min during my first dose, and not eat anything except the one shake. It kept me at pretty stable levels for a good 1.5 hours. I only did this to test the product, I would never just rely on a drink though.

I normally just mix up some BCAA and Dextrose, and get my medium and long acting carbs through food.
Phenomenal info bro...I am very appreciative of your suggestions and help...I may PM you to get more specific about how many carbs you prefer vs my own method, etc...