I can tell you. Everyone that has answerd you telling you to wait hss had ten plus years experience with AAS. I started around your age. There was nothing I wanted more then to be jacked and tan. I had no clue what I was doing. My diet and training were crap. And I still put on twenty pounds. Lost most of it. Kept it up for a long time couldn't figure out why I was losing gains. My diet sucked my workouts were mostly chest and arms shoulders. At your age you can literally eat eat eat and grow like hell. If I had it to do over I would have waited. The benefit of every fourth day is blood levels. You keep them more stable. There are only 7 days in a week so a wed Thursday routine ends up injecting 3rd day then fourth. I will be a moody pissed off man. You probably won't notice a difference at first just think its roid rage. That's bullshit. You inject by the half life of the ester attached to the parent hormone. The half life of test e is 15 days cyp is 14 prop is 3 which is why you inject prop ed or EOD. Your goal is to make as many gains as possible. You buy a gym membership you buy an extra tight shirt to show your guns at the gym. Now you buy some gear to get jacked and tan. Why spend all this money to not get the optimal results. Here is my advice. Find a diet you like with the macros that fit. Find a routine that works. Post both of these. Let the fellows critic it. In the meen time. Do some research read some stickies. No disrespect but you have a long way to go before you do a cycle that you will benefit from. I really urge you to wait. I will help you however I can. My diet is pretty decent. I have an an or two showing.