BR,I know no words right now can change the way you feel at this moment but im very sorry for your loss and really do hope the best for you.

As the others have said,if you have family spend some time with them and take some time to gather yourself.Im not sure of your situation but of course the first thing you need to do is find work,any work right now.Anything to get some money coming in and keep your mind busy.The most important thing now is to keep your thoughts on other things.I know it seems impossible right now as ive gone through similar situations in my past but if you keep focused and positive you'll get through it.Sometimes you have to take a job that otherwise you'd think were beneath you,but anything now more than ever is better than nothing.There have been plenty of guys that have started out sweeping floors and cleaning toilets that have ended up owning companies.Not making judgements on why you're not working so please dont take it that way,just trying to keep things in perspective as it is more relevant now in your present situation.

As for the kids,that of course is the worst part but,again not knowing your situation,sometimes a couple splitting up is better for the kids than them staying together because of them and fighting every day.Your kids welfare is top priority and although not having them in your life as it was when you were together with your wife,may take some stress off them by eliminating the negative aspect of what your relationship with her had become.

There will always be things in life that kick the shit out of you and that you will have no control over and thats part of life and growing so theres no use in driving yourself nuts over them.Obviously emotions are what reacts first but the sooner you start allowing your mind to control the things you do from this day forward,the sooner you will get back on track to fixing not only your life but the lives and future relationships with your children.Keep that long term goal in mind.If things really are over and nothing will change that,where do you wish to be for yourself and your children.

Again,very sorry for your loss and always here to talk.I have big ears so if you need to vent,please feel free to hit me up anytime.