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    1. #466
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      • Young Gotti's Journal

      Squat 5 sets
      Box squat 3 sets
      Seated Calve raise 4 sets
      Leg extension 3 sets
      Seated Leg Curl 3 sets

      I was so pumped up to get to the gym. No overtime and nothing to keep me at work late. Squatting felt good on the lower weight and higher reps then I went heavier and decreased the reps which didn't feel as great. I decided to do some box squat, low weight and low reps but focus on exploding off the box which was decent. Everything else was just assistance work and it was fine. I was doing some walking at the end and felt like I didn't have as high intensity workout as I thought I would. Then I tried to walk down the steps and my legs felt crushed, almost like every step that I took I could feel every muscle in my leg firing to stabilize me. So maybe the workout was more effective than I had thought.

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      Default Re: Young Gotti's Journal

      Sounds like a good training day for ya
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    3. #468
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      Standing shoulder press 5 sets
      Side lateral raise 4 sets
      Bent reverse fly 4 sets

      Facepull 3 sets
      Reverse Hack squat shoulder press 3 sets

      Got some extra work in on Saturday. Just felt good and decided to stay at the gym for a bit. Didn't have anything major to do during the day so I figured why not. I did something I haven't done in awhile and it's stand on a hack squat facing the machine, use the handles u would hold on to when squatting and push up on them like your should a shoulder press. I can't go to heavy, maybe because of the sled's weight but just a 10 or 25lb plate on each side is more than enough. Solid workout.

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    4. #469
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      Flat bench superset with lat pulldown 4 sets
      Flat bench superset with t bar row 4 sets
      Underhand flat bench superset with straight bar pulldown 4 sets

      So I have a 3 day work week this week and a short week since I'm traveling Thursday for Thanksgiving. I knew I only had like 3 days to get to the gym. Then I remembered I'm playing basketball Tuesday night instead of the gym. So as you see I tried to superset some large muscle groups to get them out of the way. It was pretty good and I never really did back and chest on the same day like that before. It felt good.

      Still getting hungry throughout the day and still getting menthol burps in the morning. Other than that strength might be up a bit but I feel a bit bigger as well. Have not weighed in recently but the mirror looks a little different so far.

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    5. #470
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      Well that didn't go as expected. We had 10 guys which was great. Games were fun. I am super sore, injuried and whatever else can describe pain. First thing after the first game I felt like I had an exertion headache. Back of my neck/head hurt pretty bad but I kept playing. I usually get this the first time I do something like this and if I keep doing it, I believe it gets better. Next, my groin started to hurt throughout the games as did a few of the other guys, the floor was a little dusty causing some of us to slide a bit. Jammed up my thumb on a the ball once but the worst one was when I landed on someones ankle and rolled mine. Kept playing but it's pretty painful. As soon as I stopped playing and drove home, walking was rough, this morning it was also rough. I have a sleeve on it but it does not feel good at all. Neither does my lower back.

      I expected some pain since I haven't played in awhile but the weird thing to me was I kept waking up in the middle of the night covered in sweat last night. My house isn't overly heated and it almost felt like the sweat you have when a fever breaks. It was gross as I would wake up with just a spot of wetness.

      Needless to say I don't think I'm doing legs at the gym, maybe some arms, get a pump and get out.

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    6. #471
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      So my last update was after basketball. I was in a ton of pain on Wednesday but managed to get to the gym for some arms training. Thursday I was in the car most of the day traveling and then Friday I went black Friday shopping which was cool.

      Back in the gym Saturday for Shoulder/Back training and then Monday for Chest/Shoulder/Tricep training.

      I really thought my schedule would even out and it really hasn't. Maybe I'm at the age where it just won't but I've been getting in the gym and doing what feels right. With the ankle I haven't done my legs but will attempt them later this week. Today after work I have to travel an hour to go to a celebration for my brother which I will miss another day in the gym.

      I am however up 3lbs which is good. Maybe some fat but not overly noticeable.

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    7. #472
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      Deadlift 5 sets
      Squat 4 sets
      Leg press superset Chest pad t bar row 3 sets
      Straight bar pulldown 4 sets

      Again my training is all messed up. So I wanted to do legs since it's been awhile but I was scared with my injuried ankle on how it would work out. I even forgot my ankle wrap but it didnt' go to bad. Deadlift and squatting were both fine, I didn't go heavy but I also didn't feel any pain or stiffness which was good. Maybe it was because I was just doing normal movements and nothing to the side or sharp cuts but I'm fine with that, the less pain the better.

      Last night after everything was no longer warm my ankle felt a bit funky walking up and down steps which is to be expected. Not really pain per sey but also not 100% either.

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    8. #473
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      No gym

      So I've been dealing with a sore throat for 2 or 3 days. Well that escalated yesterday to a full blown cold. I had chest burning, eyes watering, aches and pains, and the worst part was the shivers. I couldn't get warm. I'm the type of guy who will not wear long sleeves to work because it's too warm at work and I was walking around with my winter jacket on freezing. The worst part about all of it was I couldn't sleep last night. I was tossing and turning and just uncomfortable and cold all night long. If I'm going to be sick, make sure it's the kind where I go into a deep sleep for 15 hours. I'm super exhausted right now.

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    9. #474
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      Standing shoulder press 4 sets
      Side lateral raise 4 sets
      Facepull 4 sets
      Straight bar extension superset with wide grip high row 4 sets
      Underhand straight bar extension 3 sets

      Woke up Saturday and felt pretty good. Not 100% over my cold but better than I had felt. Workout went fairly well, nothing to complain about, weight I was using felt about right and pump was pretty good. I threw in some tri's at the end just because my schedule has been off so I figured I'd hit them a bit

      Still not 100% as I type this, Saturday I was ok then come Sunday I was in my recliner just super uncomfortable, I was cold but my feet were sweating and just couldn't find a comfortable spot. Took some medicine and a super hot Epsom bath last night so hopefully that helps and I can get back to feeling right.

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    10. #475
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      Flat bench press
      Straight bar extension 4 sets
      Rope extension 4 sets
      Peck Deck 1 set

      I was sitting at work still not feeling great. Had a jacket on because I was freezing. I thought it was going to be another crappy training session because of this cold. Later in the afternoon I tried to get psyched to workout and convinced myself with all this overtime and whatever I've been supersetting stuff to get in volume but haven't gone heavy in awhile. So that's what I did. I didn't count my sets on the bench and just kept increasing the weight. I even failed on the last set and had to roll the bar off of me which surprisingly felt good just because I knew I had pushed myself in a way I haven't in awhile.

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    11. #476
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      Pull ups 4 sets
      Straight bar pulldown 4 sets
      Chest pad t bar row 4 sets
      Close grip lat pulldown 4 sets

      Bicep work

      Wanted to do some leg work but with my ankles in pain I figured I'd give them another day to rest. Went with some back work and it was ok but I felt like my endurance was crap. The weight didn't feel too heavy but earlier on in my set I would fatigue. My back probably wasn't 100% after playing basketball but it wasn't too bad. I did some extra volume on it since the reps weren't all that great. I didn't have much time for biceps so I did a bunch of DB curls, DB hammer curls but I didn't really count the sets, probably got 8 or 9 sets.

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    12. #477
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      Flat bench
      Hammer strength press 4 sets
      Rope extension 4 sets
      Reverse overhead underhand extension 4 sets
      Peck Deck superset with DB behind head extension 4 sets

      Wanted to get in and lift heavy on chest again, not counting sets, probably 6 or 7 though. My lower back was in a ton of pain yesterday though, when I laid on the bench my legs hitting the ground because I'm short gave me shooting pain up my back. I had to get some platforms to put on the side of the bench to be able to get my legs in a better position for less pain. Went heavy and it felt pretty good, triceps was lacking, couldn't get a pump but overall decent workout for the pain I was in.

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    13. #478
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      T bar row 7 sets
      Straight bar pulldown 4 sets
      DB curl 4 sets
      Preacher curl machine 4 sets
      Lat pulldown superset with DB hammer curl 3 sets
      Rope cable row 4 sets

      My lower back is still in a lot of pain so I opt'd not to deadlift. I figured I'd do t bar rows because even though it's not a deadlift by anymeans your still lifting the weight from the ground in a set position, but you are only doing it once per set. It wasn't too bad, I went fairly heavy and the rows weren't too bad but getting the bar in position was a bit tricky. The rest of the workout felt great though. I tried to stay heavy on most of the back movements and more volume on the bicep work and was pleased with my workout.

      At work a guy said I looked like I was training for endurance more so than bulk. So I decided to weigh myself and I'm up another 2lbs. Not where I figured I'd be with the winter well on it's way but I didn't think I'd be playing basketball or getting overtime either so all in all I still have time to add some size.

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    14. #479
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      5 minutes walking
      10 minutes HIIT elliptical
      15 minutes walking with medicine ball

      First day I really had a cardio session in awhile and even then I still had to help my parents with some holiday stuff so I had to be quick. I based the workout on what will help me for basketball. Not that I'll ever be really good in basketball but if I'm playing I want to be as good as possible and I feel like training for something adds a bit more motivation. Anyway that's why I did the HIIT so I can have better conditioning and hopefully improve my speed. I also walked with a medicine ball, however I was putting it around my back and tossing it over my headphone cord to hopefully better my ball handling skills a bit.

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    15. #480
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      • Young Gotti's Journal
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      • Young Gotti's Journal
      • Young Gotti's Journal

      Incline bench 6 sets
      Hammer strength press 4 sets
      Reverse underhand overhead extension 4 sets
      Rope extension 4 sets
      Peck Deck superset with ez bar behind the neck extension 3 sets

      Side lateral raise superset with underhand extension 3 sets

      After an extended break I'm still in pain in my lower back. With the holidays and new years coming I don't know what I can do right now except deal with it. After the new year I promised myself I would go to the dr and get everything checked out. Also think I had a vertigo attack over the weekend which sucked. Anyway, the workout here was pretty good. I've been doing a real good job of staying heavy until the end of the workout where I do some movements just to get some blood in the muscle. Also threw in just a touch of shoulder work because I missed the gym Saturday.

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