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    1. #16
      Young Gotti's Avatar
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      Weighted Dips 5 sets
      Incline DB Fly superset with Incline reverse fly 3 sets
      Underhand BB press superset with Side Lateral raise 3 sets
      V bar extensions superset with face pull 3 sets

      Chest press machine superset with shoulder press machine superset with dip machine 3 sets

      So usually on my volume day I superset different muscles that I'm working that day. So before I went to the gym on Saturday I decided I'd start with some dips since they work chest/shoulders/and tris all in one shot. I used to do dips all the time and especially weighted dips but it's been a while since I added weight to the movement. I felt like it was a really good workout. The weight was all challenging between the 8-12 rep range and the movements felt pretty smooth.

      It's pretty incredible what some extra stimulants could do for a workout. I felt like I could of stayed in the gym all day and my endurance felt really good. Since I'm hitting every muscle twice a week and have my program designed to hit muscles 3 times in a 6 day time every week, I needed to do everything I could make sure I didn't do too much volume.

      I'm starting Laxogenin for BPS on Monday. But not much else is changing.

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      Default Re: Young Gotti's Journal

      Def following this one, good luck brotha

    3. #18
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      Incline Bench 4 sets
      Flat Bench 3 sets
      Side Lateral Raise 3 sets
      Standing shoulder press 3 sets
      EZ bar skullcrushers into close grip press 3 sets
      V bar extension 3 sets

      Low cable crossover superset with cable side raise superset with DB overhead extension 3 sets

      What a day to start a new supplement. I don't usually like working out on Monday holidays. I usually don't have the push to work hard in the gym for whatever reason. Maybe because I'm used to working out at night after work and on my days off I feel like if I don't get to the gym in the morning then I won't end up going. Today was a bit different. I had Laxacrine to test drive along with still getting plenty of energy from Pump Juice Extreme so the workout was solid. I went pretty heavy on all the exercises except for skullcrushers as I found I'd rather stay lighter because of form and elbow pain.

      I did have a bit of pain in my left shoulder while doing incline presses during my heavy sets. Funny thing is it doesn't hurt when I'm actually doing shoulder presses but I was still happy with the weight I was moving. Last night I had to shovel snow and anytime I pushed the shovel with my left arm I could feel the shoulder with pain even when I wasn't pushing my snow. Back to the workout, I had a nice overall upper body pump going on. It wasn't an intense pump in one body part, just an overall bigger feeling across the top of my body.

      Laxacrine first impression:

      Lotion: I will admit I was never a fan of PP's Dermacrine carrier. I felt like it was runny and didn't dry very well. I knew BPS improved the carrier but I was a bit skeptical. However at first pump it seemed like a thicker gel than the lotion I thought it would be. It did seem to dry really quickly as well. I was pleasantly surprised. If I go to 2 pumps during the log I'll be able to judge better on how more of the lotion spreads.

      Smell: The smell isn't bad and for whatever reason when I started applying it, the first thing that came to mind was "Mr. Clean" but it doesn't smell like that at all. I did a double take and smelled my hands again and I don't get a Mr. Clean scent but that's what came to mind at first smell. Doesn't make sense to me but whatever. It doesn't smell bad and the overall scent isn't super strong.

      So far so good, let the gainz begin

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    4. #19
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      Squat 6 sets
      Rope Lat Pulldown 3 sets
      T Bar Row 3 sets
      BB curl 3 sets
      Seated DB Curl 3 sets

      Leg press superset with wide grip lat pull down superset with rope hammer curl 3 sets
      Standing Calve Raise superset with one arms cable curl superset with straight bar pulldown 3 sets

      So I got out of work a few minutes late yesterday. It made me rush to the gym and I felt like I was rushing through the workout, almost like I was behind the whole workout. I don't usually get that much volume in on a Tuesday. I was a bit unhappy when I got to the gym though, the power racks where I squat were all taken so I had to do some smith machine squats. I really struggled with estimating the weight difference between the barbell and the smith machine. So on a set where I figured I'd get 8, I ended up getting 6 and the next set only got 4. So on my final set I got back to the rack, I decided to try a 20 rep squat set without locking out, I ended up getting 25 reps. The rest of the workout felt pretty good. I went up in weight on my t bar rows by 10lbs and added 2 extra reps from what I usually get. I wasn't resting much between sets and probably could of had better numbers but I got a nice pump from going quickly.

      After a few people recommended me trying the ab wheel during my ab training I decided to give it a try. I did 2 sets of 10 and it was tough but I feel like it hurts my lower back right at the spine. Not sure if I'm doing them correctly and just need to work on my form or what. I'll have to watch some videos and compare it to my form.

      Laxacrine- I got a lemon scent from it last night and this morning so maybe that's where I got the Mr. Clean scent from.

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    5. #20
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      Cardio 20 minute HIIT

      4 sets of crunches

      5 minutes LISS cardio

      2 sets of roman chair leg raises

      For anyone new to the log, Wednesday is my cardio day, I'm trying this theory I read about on a site. Where you do cardio then ab work, back to cardio, and finish off with ab work again. This is only the second week of it. I don't think it's going to make a world of difference but it's nice way to keep things interesting on cardio day.

      Ok so the HIIT cardio had my legs super pumped. They were sore from Tuesday but after a few sprints they felt super full. Finishing off the sprinting portion of cardio was difficult but I did what I had to do. My abs were actually a bit sore from Tuesday and the ab wheel. During the crunches it was sore during each rep but I didn't get the same burn I usually do, maybe because of the soreness?

      So far with the Laxacrine, I haven't had any problems with it at this point. It dries smooth with no flakes. What I have noticed is my skin feels almost moisturized hours after application. I hope the lotion if absorbing completely and it's just leaving the carrier on top of the skin. I haven't got any rash or side effects at this point. I was looking leaner last night which is a bonus. I think I'm going to bump up to 4 total pumps a day next Monday as I'm seeing other loggers already mentioning increase in fullness.

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    6. #21
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      Default Re: Young Gotti's Journal

      Keep it up bro!

    7. #22
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      Default Re: Young Gotti's Journal

      Quote Originally Posted by jolter604 View Post
      Keep it up bro!
      thanks brother....wish I could be in the gym more often...but work gets in the way

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    8. #23
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      Default Re: Young Gotti's Journal


      DB Incline press superset with rear delt fly 3 sets
      BB Flat press superset with seated side lateral raise 3 sets
      Decline Hammer strength press superset with face pull 3 sets
      Weighted Dips 3 sets
      Close Grip bench press 3 sets
      Underhand straight bar extension 3 sets

      Overhand straight bar extension superset with overhead lateral raise 3 sets
      Peck deck superset with dip machine 3 sets

      Happy with the amount of volume I was able to get in the workout. However my left shoulder bothered me. I didn't notice it with incline press but on the flat press is when I really felt it. And grabbing the pads on the peck deck it also hurt. This is a few chest workouts in a row where it's bothered me, I might have to stick with DB's or Machines until it goes away. I'll have to test it and if I feel pain during a movement, try and do another movement. Other than that I thought the workout was pretty good, strength was up a bit and endurance is improving. I felt fresh basically the whole workout.

      So I did a movement I don't usually do which is a db side lateral raise with a tweak that ends up over your head like a jumping jack. Can't go to heavy on the movement but it really made the pump explode in my shoulders last night.

      After the workout I ate dinner and my stomach felt like death. I'm still getting a bloated feeling in my upper stomach during certain meals. Sometimes this happens when I'm eating a lot of carbs but I've lowered the carbs so I don't have a reason as to why I'm feeling this. After I showered it went away but it's an annoying feeling and I feel like I look like a bodybuilder with an extended gut. Might take a day this weekend and go off of my diet and go no carbs and possibly increase my fiber content going forward to see if it helps with the bloat.

      Other than that I look slightly fuller in the mirror. I'm leaning out a bit even with the bloat but I'll be increasing Laxacrine to hopefully make the process speed up a bit.

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    9. #24
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      Default Re: Young Gotti's Journal

      Keep pushing brutha

    10. #25
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      Leg Extension superset with lying leg curl 3 sets
      Weighted Bulgarian split squat 3 sets
      Lat Pulldown machine 3 sets
      Close grip cable row 3 sets
      DB Curl 3 sets
      Incline DB hammer curl 3 sets

      Leg press superset with lower back extension 3 sets
      Cable curl machine superset with face pull 3 sets

      I stayed at my girlfriends on Friday night so I woke up and went to here gym on Saturday. It was a change and it was nice to use some machines and equipment that I don't normally get to use. The lat machine gave me a really nice squeeze to it, it really felt good, and different than a cable lat pulldown. I also got to use a machine that I don't know the name of but it's like a big handle and a seat that bends back, it's used to stretching the legs,back, and shoulders. So I used that for like 10 minutes after the workout, I love using that thing when I go to her gym, my old gym had it but my current one does not. Also used the ab coaster which my gym doesn't have. I really like that thing as well. I also worked up a good sweat, my gym is like an old warehouse with a garage door they open in the summer, this was 1 room in a big building with cement walls so it was hot and humid in there but it felt nice to really be dripping sweat like that.

      Overall the weekend was good, I slept weird on Friday and had a headache/neck ache all day Saturday. My stomach also felt bloated on Saturday but it all went away and my stomach felt a lot better on Sunday and it doesn't appear as bloated. I also got my 1/4 of grass fed beef in which always make the weekend good. 119lb of beef

      My weight on the scale was down about 1.5lbs yesterday than it was the last time I weighed in. I look better, can't put my finger on it. I am leaner but not by a ton, but in the mirror my body looks better overall.

      I will be increasing my doses of Laxacrine to 4 pumps total starting today.

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    11. #26
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      Forgot to mention in my post, all weekend long I really noticed my jeans fitting super snug around my quad/hips....the waist fit as normal and even a bit loose but they were way to tight around my legs....maybe my legs are growing quickly? I don't really notice it in the mirror but notice more separation

      I also don't wear tight jeans, most of my jeans are loose fit or boot cut so it's not like I'm wearing super skinny jeans and noticing this

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      Default Re: Young Gotti's Journal

      you should do a leg day with me yg. i bet you i can make them puppies grow real fast
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    13. #28
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      Squat 6 sets
      Lat Pulldown 3 sets
      DB row 3 sets
      Ez curl bar close grip 3 sets
      Ez curl bar wide grip 3 sets

      Straight bar pulldown 3 sets
      Seated Calve raise superset with DB curl 3 sets

      I felt awesome yesterday all day. I just wanted to get to the gym and kill it. At the gym I had a really good workout. I set PR's for my 8 rep squat and my 305lb on squat. Normally I don't really care about these kind of things but I'm logging so it's worth a mention. After lat pull downs I wanted to do a back exercise that I don't usually do. So I went with DB rows, I went pretty heavy but wasn't feeling the good squeeze that I had wanted. My bicep work felt really good, had a nice pump and a nice squeeze for each rep. The time flew by in the gym as you can see from my lack of volume, I don't know how because I wasn't taking any extra time between sets.

      I did notice a headache towards the end of work yesterday but when I had my lats stretched out during lat pull downs my neck cracked and it felt better so it was probably just a tight muscle.

      The focus I'm getting from the preworkout is great though. I get to the gym and my mind is totally focused on working out. It feels amazing to really be in the zone and tunnel vision while in the gym.

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    14. #29
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      Default Re: Young Gotti's Journal

      Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
      you should do a leg day with me yg. i bet you i can make them puppies grow real fast
      haha I don't usually seem to have a problem with my upper legs....not sure if it's geneics or my history of soccer/bmx riding that helped them, but I'm down to do a designed workout, that would be fun

      calves and especially ankles are different story

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      DB flat press 3 sets
      Incline press 3 sets
      Seated Shoulder press 3 sets
      Side lateral Raise 3 sets (last set was drop set)
      Overhand extension 3 sets
      Reverse underhand overhead extension 3 sets

      Decline Hammer strength press superset with rear delt fly 3 sets
      Dips 3 sets

      More shoulder trouble, got to the gym and did some rotator work. Did my warm ups and then added some weight to the barbell and even though it wasn't heavy it felt like my shoulder kept popping and even though the pain wasn't bad I figured if I kept adding weight it could get ugly. So I stuck with DB presses and it didn't bother me at all. When I got to incline I went back to barbell and didn't feel anything but I didn't go under 8 reps, just nice controlled reps with some good weight for the amount of reps I was getting. I got a PR on my shoulder press which also didn't hurt but I did need a lift off to get the extra weights, I wouldn't have been able to unrack on my own. Dips actually felt really easy too, I figured at the end would really kill my whole upper body but the felt really good.

      My upper body got an intense pump fairly quickly and it felt pretty good. The muscle contractions were really solid on all the movements.

      So anyone reading this log could chime in. But I'm thinking about letting up on the ab work a bit which maybe is causing my stomach to expand? The only day I really a lot of ab work is Wednesday but I've been hitting my abs 4 days a week. I'm wondering if that is contributing to the problem.

      Other than that I feel good this week so far. My morning dose of Laxacrine seems to put me in a good mood and again at night with my second dose. It's almost like a carefree/non stressed feeling which I like. Kind of wakes me up in the morning in some sort of way as well.

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